
Saturday, 10 January 2015

Embrace your creativity # 1

Why hello there! my name is Jenny and this is my blog soverywitty! I decided to start this blog as I needed to find myself a creative outlet again. I've always had the 'need' to be creative in one way or another, whether it be baking a cake, making my own short films, growing vegetables in the garden, renovating my house or turning my hand to some craft project that has caught my eye. However somewhere along the way I kind of let this love of creating slip and general day to day life got in the way. This blog post is the first instalment of how I found me again and learnt the first of many valuable life lessons  :)

I always intended on having a career that involved some form of creativity, in fact from a young age I dreamed of being a director. When I was about four, my mum took me into her university where she was studying to talk to one of her lecturers. While looking for this lecturer we happened to walk into this huge auditorium, it was the universities tv studio and it was filled with lights and cameras. I just remember looking around in awe and being so impressed! That moment made a huge impression on me and ever since then I have always had a great interest in media and film making. From then on  I would often watch an amazing movie or stage production (Phantom of the Opera tops them all so far) and cry afterwards just because I wanted to be apart of something so amazing! ha ha  bit lame I know ;)  I didn't really get to indulge my new found interest until I reached high school where they had media and drama classes. Media was by far and away my favourite class, it was probably the only class other than drama where I received a's and b's. 

It was in my year 11 media class that I made my first ever short film called 
'the Exam' It was set to the very beautiful music of Tchaikovsky's 'Dance of the Swans' It is the gripping emotional journey of a student making their way to their exam which ended with a twist of course ;) I was so dedicated to  this film that I wrote the whole story board and timed each scene down to the second. Due to the constraints of technology and lack of knowledge I had to literally count the seconds when I was filming to ensure it corresponded correctly to the music. Yes an extreme old school way of doing it! But it worked! Well mostly...

We didn't have the technology back then to just lay a soundtrack down and edit it, I used an analogue editing suite which was attached to two vcrs you pressed ok for the input and ok for the out point (what I hear you say?!) If you got three of these done and then realised you had made a mistake you had to start again. Needless to say this took me a long time and I wasn't even able to add the music to the film as I had a crappy media teacher who couldn't show me how to use the equipment. So you had to play the tape and the cd at the same time to watch the film! Ahh yep seamless and professional from the start :p

Because of my love for media I decided to go to university and study it for a career. Studying at uni was like a dream come true for me. I loved learning how to use the cameras, edit and run live productions. I felt like I had finally found something that I could potentially be really great at! There was one thing though that I wasn't really prepared for and that was the level of competition amongst all the film makers. The majority were just normal lovely people but unfortunately there was also a lot of pretentious twits who enjoyed telling people about the 'funding' they had obtained for their film. It kind of spoiled the experience for me in a way and even though logically I knew these people just needed to be ignored, I let them intimidate me at the time. I also did a great job of letting my insecurities talk me into thinking that I wasn't good enough at film and I unfortunately didn't grab the opportunity as much as I should have. As a result I ended up working almost full time in the last year of university. The freedom of money and independence slowly took over and after graduating I didn't pursue it any further.

I don't regret working full time I gained a lot of life experience and met some some lifelong friends in the process. I really believe that there are no missed opportunities in life, no matter what choice you make you will always learn something that will benefit you later. However after about 10 years of working hard,travelling,socializing, getting married, buying a house renovating said house and basically enjoying life and growing up. I found my self craving a new challenge. I had become bored with my career and I needed to be creative again (although at the time I didn't realise this!) So there I was quietly travelling through life unaware that I was heading at hurtling speed towards an existential crisis!

Well that's it for this week! drop by next week to read the next instalment of life lesson #1 Until then have a good week! ;) 

jen :p 

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